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Version 3.4.5 (February 2025)
Major improvements
- New feature – Creating users in the application
You can now very quickly create a new (co-)author directly in the application by clicking on the [+] button next to the Authors and then by clicking on the + New Co-author button. - New widgets
- Kaizens submission/completion trend by years
- Kaizens phases with date picker
- Phase pie chart – now displays fixed (not mouse-over) information about phases & number of kaizens
- Rewards overview. Quick overview of the last 5 rewards in the plant either showing all rewards or by their status (nominated/approved/paid out).
- Highest rewards. Quick view of the top 5 rewards in the plant
- New feature – Multiple project charters supported
You can now create multiple project charters with unique fields and assign them to specific project types. The look and feel of the project charter changes with the project charter and you have multiple options what to do with the fields that are no longer relevant to the project. - New feature – Default Portal / Form / Project charter
If you created multiple portals, forms and/or project charters created, not only can you assign them to project types, but you can also choose which one is the default. - Added a new button to resend the status of a kaizen to its author via email notification (under Communication > Author).
Other improvements
- Locally deployed (copied) kaizens now appear under Linked kaizens
- Changed default filter in My Overview > My tasks to “To Do” and “In progress”
- Changed default value for financial indicators entries from Daily to Monthly
- Added EmployeeID as a new column in the kaizen’s Rewards overview
- Improved consistency of date formats throughout the application
- Added Swiss franc as a supported currency
- Release Notes (this page) now open in a new tab after updating eKaizen
- Various graphical fidelity fixes & UI improvements
- Shortened & improved visual clarity of several email notifications
- Float (decimal) number now works properly in Metrics values
Version 3.4.2 (January 2025)
Major improvements
- New feature – Local deployment
In addition to the feature of Deployment (please see the release notes below), the distinction between Global and Local deployment has been introduced to eKaizen. If a project is marked as Global deployment under Deployment potential in the sidebar of the Project charter, 2 new icons will appear in the top right corner of the Project charter. Deploy to another plant is visible for projects with Global deployment potential as well as the icon for Deploy locally. Deploy locally will duplicate the project within the plant you are in — with the level of details as you decide. Projects with Local deployment potential will only have the duplicate possibility visible and project with no deployment potential do not have this option at all. - New feature – Team members
Each kaizens now can have additional people assigned to it in non-leader positions. This will help you see better directly from the Project charter tab to see who is working on the project. Also, only members of the team (Manager / Project leader / Team member) will have visibility of Confidential projects (please see details on Confidential projects below). - New feature – Confidential projects
Members of a particular kaizen now have the ability to mark a project Confidential. Such projects are only visible to the members of the team, which applies to a wide variety of places in eKaizen, such as Kaizen overview, widgets and My kaizens.
Other improvements
- Tooltips added to all icons in the top right corner of the Project charter
- Complete localization of eKaizen to Italian
Version 3.4 (December 2024)
Major improvements
- New feature – Links
Clickable links can now be added to Project charter, streamlining your work by quickly reaching your destination directly from eKaizen - New feature – Cost categories
Each kaizens’s cost or benefit can now be categorized. This further improves ROI calculations and ability to assign lines of costs or benefits under the correct category.
Other improvements
- Re-adjustments of Action buttons at the end of the Project charter to respect the structure of Move to the next stage – Postpone – Reject in all place where applicable
Version 3.3 (November 2024)
Major improvements
- New feature – Deployment
Deployment allows you to share a kaizen from one site to another or multiple sites at the same time, either with full or limited details
- Plant or company admin selects in Plant settings to which other plants a kaizen can be shared to
- Deploying is done with a new button and can be limited to particular user roles
- Once a kaizen is deployed to a new plant, you can easily watch the progress of the deployed kaizens
- Users can communicate about the deployed kaizen in the Communication tab of the kaizen
- Possibility to change the author of the deployed kaizen to another user so that the team can contact the person who led the project rather than its original author
Other improvements
- Alignment of color scheme at various places of the application
- Improved processing of kaizen submission to prevent double submissions
- Improved video tile at the eKaizen portal
Version 3.2 (October 2024)
Major improvements
- New project charter
Replacing General information – new look, new functionalities:
- Adding co-author
- WYSIWYG editor – edit the text with bold and italics, save or discard the changes
- Easily track who made the last change to a field
- Favorite/pinned kaizens moved to the top right corner. Tags and Stage change button now placed in the same area
- Stage change button now allows you to move kaizen back to its previous stage
- Side bar:
- Project type
- Properties
- Milestones (target start/completion)
- Shorted timeline – with full details in one click
- Linked kaizens
- Streamlined user authentication at the eKaizen portal
Submitters can use their employee badges (where applicable), their employee number or email – this leads to their faster recognition
- My kaizens at the eKaizen portal
Submitters can view the list and details of kaizens they submitted - eKaizen portals (previously known as Homepages) & Submission forms signpost
Links to the submission form has been taken out from the menu available by clicking on your name & profile in the top right corner and moved to a new button
- Fiscal year
- Fiscal year has been added to eKaizen: each plant can set its own fiscal year dates
- Fiscal year filters have been added to applicable widgets
- Cost center
Cost center can be added in the submitter’s/employee detail - Linked kaizens
Each kaizen can be linked to another either as a related kaizen or a duplicate - Extended timeline
Significantly more events have been added to the timeline
Other improvements
- Old submission forms are no longer available, only new forms created via Submission Form Designer are available
- New setting for automatic / manual move of kaizens from Fresh ideas to To be validated
- Project leader can now be added to the kanban card detail
- Kaizen detail window removed, one less click to get from Kaizen overview to your kaizen
- Additional currencies added to the Plant settings
- New user role rights to address major improvements
- Improved information about scrolling
Version 3.1.27 (August 2024)
Major improvements
- Homepage – new way of organizing information on the homepage of each plant. Add forms, internal or external links to guide your eKaizen users to where they should go to
- Full application localization – as of this version, Hungarian and Slovak languages are fully localized
Other improvements
- Comments while switching kaizen’s phase were made optional
- Non zero scores in the Scoring module are now properly displayed
- Project type can now be properly unselected in General information
- Project type field can be added to the submission forms introduced in 3.1.25
- Linked user role rights between the ability to edit an idea submission and deleting idea’s attachments
Version 3.1.25 (July 2024)
Major improvements
- Long / Short text, Date fields & Dropdowns for the new Submission forms
- List view in Kaizen Overview
- Manual task reminder
- Rewards totals and information
- Widgets:
- 1. Submitted Ideas (Number of submitted ideas by project type in a selected time frame)
- 2. Completed Ideas (Number of completed projects by type in a selected time frame)
- 3. Unassigned tasks
Other improvements
- Improved functionality of previously entered email addresses in the login interface
- Better alignment of columns in Metrics
- Fixed behavior of date selection in Financial indicators, fully ignoring browser settings and/or time zone
- Support of redirecting addresses of the existing submission forms to the new ones so that your QR codes can remain the same
- Breadcrumbs translations fixed [CZ]
- Homepage language consistency fixed
- Costs/Benefits entries are now always ordered based on the time of their creation (previously it was based Start date and lines were rearranged so the new entry would not stay at the end)
- Project type can be reverted back to “Default”
- Multiple new languages supported for the upcoming new submission forms
- Multiple localization fixes
- Better logic of email notification when no comment is provided by the user when Accepting (moving to In progress) a kaizen
- Chinese yuan supported as a currency
- Project type added as a new column to CSV export of Kaizens
- Enabled sorting of columns in Users under Plant administration
- Kaizen overview filter based on Score (from-to range) enabled
- Project type dropdown now available in all new types of submission forms
- New email notifications