The bigger your organization is, the more solutions to a single issue you will probably find. But is it always a good idea to deal with similar problems in different ways? Establishing company standards will help you save a lot of time and resources. Use eKaizen to identify improvements with the potential of becoming company standards. Highlight such projects and make them accessible to anybody as the standard way to address similar issues.

Horizontal deployment
Unlock the potential of improvement projects and deploy the most successful changes to other locations. As you have already identified and overcome certain obstacles, you know exactly what it took to make the improvement happen. Recommend completed projects to other sites who might benefit from them as well. Introduce your achievements to other teams and help them do the same without reinventing the wheel.

Sharing best practices
The deployment functionality allows you to decide which information you want to share with other teams when replicating projects. Specify the authors, select attachments and adjust the scope of data to be shared.

A source of inspiration
Use eKaizen as a library of improvement ideas. This way, anyone can find inspiration in the achievements of others. People such as continuous improvement and lean managers can use the archive to look for a solution to a certain issue – and see the results including complete guidelines for implementation.

Kaizen story
eKaizen records all information about improvements and turns them into pdf project presentations. Just select the level of detail you want to include depending on who the report is meant for. Do you need an executive summary for your manager? Just include basic information, before and after photos and the most important metrics. Do you need a “handbook” for a team from another location? Include the action plan, budget and other practical details.