Set up rewards easily
Bring your current reward system into eKaizen with a few clicks. Set up reward categories, their types and values. Giving money? We can do that. Handing out vouchers and gift cards? eKaizen can handle those too!

Nominate and process rewards
No matter what rules your organization uses for rewarding the great ideas, eKaizen can manage that. And even more! Based on how much the idea saved, eKaizen will suggest a reward (you can always adjust it if you want).
Nominate the person for the reward. Wait for other stakeholders to confirm the reward and once it is confirmed, mark it so. Final step? Export a list of financial bonuses and send it to your payroll department for processing.

Recognize the authors of great ideas
Your employees will surely appreciate a financial reward or a gift. But you might want to do more. With eKaizen, you can recognize great contributions by promoting successful improvements and their authors across the entire organization as “kaizen heroes”. Show people that their ideas matter and that you appreciate them.